Anje Yoga



I’m Anje and I’ve been in the wellness & yoga community for over 20 years, both as a yoga instructor and a therapist. I have studied psychology, biology, philosophy, yoga & biofeedback. I have come to know the interconnection of mind, body and spirit. My passion for celebrating the beauty in life is a strong desire in my life. Through my gifts & offerings I create spaces where our spirits can heal, grow & thrive.

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In 2005 I became a certified yoga instructor and started teaching classes. I weave yoga into my daily life in every way I can. Yoga is truly a path, a practice and a gift. Through my classes and private yoga sessions with clients, I share how to live your yoga!

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Energy is powerful...

I believe we all have a vibration that we can raise through mindful and energetic practices like intention setting, moving your body in yoga or prayer.

Love is the highest form of energy and there is always the opportunity for love, hope and healing in every moment our lives - even in the chaos and challenges we experience. Our body speaks wisdom our minds cannot comprehend. Energy is the powerful life force, prana, chi that moves Spirit through us.


When I am  practicing yoga on my mat and am intentional, centered and mindful, I have a place to root down. From this centered and grounded place, I can rise up and walk off my mat and into the world. There are no conditions to be met, judgments to be made or expectations to fulfill. We are always arriving. Yoga provides an experience, a taste and a possibility of freedom that is life-changing. 


Beauty is all around us…

I have always been an ‘earth’ lover. Nurturing my own little garden, being conscious of our natural resources, the ocean and growing food in harmony are all important to me. Now more than ever, I live as ‘clean’ as possible through the products my family uses to the food we eat. I love to share my finds & discoveries with my community. If there is a more sustainable, less toxic, recycled or better for the planet option-I want to know about it and share with everyone!


If you are interested in learning more about how we can work together, DIVE IN ON MY OFFERINGS PAGE.

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I love to challenge myself and often choose to step on the stage and see what happens next! Creating music and performing for others is at the very top of my list for ‘most incredible things I ever experienced’. There is nothing like losing myself in the moment and just pouring my heart into a song that moves me. It is pure MAGIC! I have performed live music on stage both by myself and with a band of amazing musicians.